On the 3rd of April, IEEE BRAC University Student Branch held its first General Body Meeting at 5pm. The executive body members of 2016 were warmly congratulated and appreciated for all their hard work through certificates and crests. The vice chair, Fairooz Zafar and General Secretary, Md. Nasimuzzaman Mishuk and Editor, Anika Iqbal of Executive Body 2016 shared their memories and experiences, which definitely inspired everyone in the room. A great turn out in the final week of the semester was extremely overwhelming and surprising. This surely marked a great victory for the student branch in itself. Aldrin Nippon Bobby, respected Lecturer of EEE, BRAC University was gracious enough to lead the entire session and by enlightening us with his knowledge. The attendees were encouraged to share their ideas about what they are expecting in the upcoming year. These covered all the tours, competitions, workshops, conferences and so on. Token of appreciation were also presented to the winners of the previous year, such as Technical Article Writing Competition 2016. Finally, refreshments were served while a short movie of ten minutes was shown to entice the audience. Overall, the event turned out to be a great success!


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