The rapid advancements in technology, particularly in the realm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), have ushered in a new era of possibilities and challenges for aspiring engineers across the globe. In response to this transformative landscape, on 3rd August 2023, the IEEE Communications Society, Brac University Student Branch Chapter in collaboration with IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter organized an informative virtual event on “IEEE: A

Gateway for Worldwide Successful Engineering Career in 4IR.” This event commenced at 9:30

PM Bangladesh Standard Time and it featured Cybele Ghanem, who serves as a Support and

Implementation Engineer at Invigo Offshore. In addition to that, Cybele Ghanem also holds the

position of Chair for IEEE Day 2023 and Social Media Lead for IEEEXtreme17.0. This webinar

was held mainly to illuminate everyone about the pathways that the IEEE provides for engineers

to navigate the intricate terrain of the 4IR and cultivate thriving careers on a global scale.

The event began with the opening remarks of DR. Mohammad Shamsul Arefin: (Chair of IEEE CS BDC, Dean Faculty of ECE, CUET) and then the esteemed speaker Cybele Ghanem, followed. Miss Ghanem began by first discussing the role of IEEE in providing opportunities for engineers to have successful careers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

She highlighted the many benefits of being an IEEE member, including access to professional development resources, networking opportunities, and certification programs. She also discussed the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest engineering and technology trends to succeed in the 4IR. In brief, she tried to shed light on how the IEEE serves as a compass for engineers seeking to harness the potential of the 4IR and carve out successful, impactful careers that transcend geographical boundaries. Additionally, she also shared her volunteer journey and experience with IEEE with everyone. She mentioned that currently she has 11 positions and in the past, she had more than 20 positions across IEEE. She further said that she started as a student of IEEE at her university in 2016 after which in 2018, she was selected for the secretary position for one year. Then for the next two years, she served as the chair. She has organized more than 40 events and gave speeches at seven events. However, this year she got positions in the IEEE Lebanon Section, including Treasurer, Student Activities Committee chair and Board member Sight Lebanon chapter where her dedication also extended internationally in 2021 when she volunteered outside Lebanon. She also highlighted her roles as an IEEE Puzzlers Volunteer and IEEE TV Ambassador.

Lastly, she also mentioned her experience of facing numerous rejections along the way, and how she continues to encounter them. She motivated everyone by emphasizing that rejection is a normal part of the learning journey and pursuit of excellence. It should not deter anyone; instead,it should serve as a means to draw out the best in individuals. Therefore, one should not give up because of getting rejected instead our commitment to striving for excellence should persist.

The session concluded with a brief question-answer session and a thank-you address from the

presenter, followed by a group photo. The lively and insightful event left participants inspired

and informed about the exciting possibilities offered by IEEE in the 4IR era.