IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Bangladesh Chapter has recently launched a new event series: Lead the Young Leader (LYL) with Technology Beyond the Border. The IEEE PES Bangladesh Chapter, in collaboration with IEEE SSIT Bangladesh Chapter, IEEE International Islamic University Chittagong PES SBC, IEEE BUET PES Student Branch Chapter, IEEE PES BRAC University Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Green University PES Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Power and Energy Society Rajshahi University Student Branch Chapter, IEEE East West University Student Branch, IEEE Stamford University Student Branch, and IEEE University of Rajshahi Student Branch, successfully organized the 3rd LYL series webinar titled “POWER THE PLANET WITH SUSTAINABLE ENERGY”, which started on September 29th, 2021 at 8:30 pm (GMT+6). The webinar speaker, Dr. Shay Bahramirad, is the Vice-President of IEEE PES, New Initiative & Outreach. She is also Vice President of Climate and Resilience at Quanta Technology, USA, as well as an Adjunct Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology, USA. The webinar was moderated by Dr. Shaikh Fattah, Vice-Chair, IEEE PES Bangladesh Chapter (BDC) and Professor, Department of EEE, BUET. ASM Jannatul Nayeem Tamim, Member, IEEE PES BRACU SBC, welcomed participants and discussed the rules and regulations, as well as the etiquette that should be observed throughout the webinar.
Shay Bahramirad is the Vice President of Climate and Resilience at Quanta Technology. She is in charge of supporting cities and utilities with climate change risk assessments of their assets, operations, and services, as well as establishing climate change mitigation and investment programs. Her work helps to power the planet by reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality for everyone, and strengthening communities. Her work powers the planet by reducing carbon emissions, creating cleaner air for everyone, and making communities resilient. Dr. Bahramirad has held several positions in the energy sector, including Vice President of Engineering and Smart Grid at ComEd, the electric utility in IL. She has managed and/or implemented “grid of the future” visions, technology roadmaps, analytical frameworks, and investment strategies in these roles. She has also been responsible for system reliability, DER integration, grid strategy and analytics, standards, emerging technologies, STEM programming, and reimagining the power grid to mitigate and adapt to climate change. She has also developed talent strategies, industry engagement plans, and advocacy programs to support business objectives
Dr. Shay Bahramirad’s speech was based on how to power up the planet with sustainable energy. She briefed them about the current scenario, challenges and solutions, as well as overall goals. She also gave a few examples related to distributed renewable energy solutions. She specifically stated the situation in Africa and described renewable energy as a means for sustainable development for the continent. In her speech, she addressed the idea of a smart village. Dr. Shay Bahramiradg also highlighted some pathways and statistics so that we could overcome the challenges. She mentioned the initiatives and international support for this type of project. She concluded her talk by mentioning her desire to work on this kind of project and also motivated the listeners by saying that if anyone wants to work with her on this kind of project, they can directly communicate with her. Through this virtual webinar, the participants got a chance to learn about these topics briefly and their aspects. Finally, the webinar came to an end with a question & answer session. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Shay Bahramirad answered our questions and cleared our doubts very nicely.
Some effective speeches were delivered by some of the honorable professors from different universities: Prof. Celia Shahanaz, WiP R10 Representative and immediate past Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, Prof. Moshiul Hoque, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section, on behalf of Dr. Md. Mosaddequr Rahman, Chair, IEEE PES BDC, Mohaimenul Islam, Secretary, IEEE PES BDC, Mr. Redwan Farhan, Treasurer, PES BDC, Dr. Bashudeb Chandra Ghosh, Prof. Dr. Muzahidul Islam, where they expressed their wholehearted gratitude towards the honorable speaker and all the participants for their valuable participation in the webinar. The hosts, ASM Tamim, concluded the session by thanking all the respected speakers, guests and audiences.. There were more than 95 participants from more than 65 universities, and many honorable participants who joined this webinar from all over the country.