The IEEE Brac University Student Branch successfully organized its first General Body Meeting this year on 22 March 2023 with great vigor. This inaugural meeting aimed at celebrating the dedication of the previous year’s panelists and introducing the general members to the IEEE BRACU Student Branch and its Chapters. Professor Dr. Mohammad Kaykobad, an eminent Department of Computer Science and Engineering professor, appeared in this meeting as the chief guest. The number of attendees at the meeting was considerable, and almost sixty people participated in this session.

The session had two segments. The first segment focused on celebrating the dedication and effort of the previous year’s panelists. The meeting got initiated with valuable words from the Counselor and Founder of IEEE Brac University Student Branch, Professor Dr. A.K.M Abdul Malek Azad Sir, from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Brac University. Initially, he briefly discussed the background of the Brac University IEEE Student Branch and then mentioned all the achievements and successes the Brac University IEEE Student Branch has achieved in the last few years. Moreover, he revealed that IEEE Brac University Communication Society Student Branch Chapter is the newest addition to the IEEE Brach University Student Branch. Afterward, the Chapter Advisors – Mr. Annajiat Alim Rasel Sir, IEEE Computer Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter; Dr. Md. Khalilur Rahman Sir, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter; Abdullah Hill Kafi Sir, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter and Raihana Shams Islam Antara Ma’am, IEEE Communications Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter came into the stage one by one and shared their thought and expectation about their chapters for the upcoming year. The respected Guest, Dr. Mohammad Kaykobad, distinguished professor from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, shared his motivating and encouraging speech to the presented attendees. He commenced his speech by welcoming the students, those who contribute their time to extracurricular activities and study, and appreciated their efforts. During his speech, he emphasized doing actual work instead of publicity. He advised the students to stay focused on whatever they were trying to do in their lives. Also, he suggested the female students go to Grace Hopper Celebration. In the final part of this segment, he handed the certificates and crests to the previous year’s executive members as a tribute to their contribution to IEEE Brac University Student Branch and its Chapters.

This session’s last segment centered on presenting the IEEE Student Branch and its Chapter to the fresher general members. The BRAC University IEEE Student Branch Main body Chair welcomed all the attendees warmly. Then he shared this IEEE Student branch’s mission, vision, and agenda with the audience and introduced the main body panel members. Likewise, the main body chair, Chapter chairs introduced each Chapter’s new panel members and set forth their plans and highlights to the audience, Starting with the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Brac University Student Branch Chapter and then: the IEEE Computer Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Brac University Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society(AESS) Brac University Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Communication Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter respectively. In this part of this session, the presented audience was acquainted with the IEEE Brac University Student Branch website and the benefits of the IEEE Xplore digital library. The perks of joining IEEE were discussed. Lastly, each Chapter’s chair informed the new members on how to contribute to the IEEE BracU student branch and its chapters.

The General Body Meeting took place on Brac University premises. It was presented by IEEE Brac University Student Branch Vice Chair Maisha Enam and IEEE Robotics Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Brac University Student Branch Chapter Chair Shad Nur Mim Bidhu. The meeting started around 3:20 pm and continued for more than 2 hours. In between the two segments, there was a light refreshment break. At the end of the last segments, there was a question and answer session where the audience was asked all kinds of queries. Finally, the dynamic session came to a conclusion after this question-answer session.