“Get Prepared For The Next Challenge In Career: Hear It From The Champions” was an event organized by IEEE BRAC University Student Branch in collaboration with IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh Section. The focus of the event, which took place on March 15th, inside the Indoor Games Room, was to guide the students in selecting a career they are passionate about and, furthermore, to give them expert pointers that would help them flourish in their professional lives. Along with other members of IEEE YP Bangladesh Section, also in attendance at the event were Mr. Jamil Wahid and Mr. A. R. M Abdullah Rocky.
Mr. Jamil Wahid is a Growth Specialist and Business Architect at Grameenphone Ltd. He talked the attendees through his eight-step process that effectively allows anyone to find their true calling. Time and time again, he drew attention to the importance of being focused and discarding all other forms of distraction to reach one’s goals.
Mr. A. R. M Abdullah Rocky is an IT Specialist Engineer at Banglalink Digital Communications. He advised the students on ways they can find comfort in a new job and fight the ever-present urge to quit. He took a realistic approach to counter most problems that fresh graduates face during their first job and suggested ways to overcome them.
Both of the speakers were gracious enough to take questions from the audience and took their time in properly addressing them. As tokens of appreciation, Mr. Wahid and Mr. Rocky were presented with crests .