On March 4th, 2018, IEEE BRAC University Student Branch organized its first Student Membership Recruitment Campaign of the year. The focus of the campaign was to encourage students to join IEEE BRACU SB and ex-members to renew their membership. The recruitment campaign was held over a two-day period on the ground floor of UB-6, one of the liveliest locations of BRAC University.

The Executive Board members and other existing IEEE student members took turns to man the campaign booth and cater to the queries of the potential recruits. The curious students who dropped by the booth were given a basic understanding of IEEE and IEEE BRAC University Student Branch and the multitude of benefits that they could reap if they became a member of this proud association. They were also handed out leaflets and brochures to help expand their knowledge of IEEE. This time around the membership was being sold in three categories, namely, Category A, B, and C. Category A only consisted of the IEEE Student Membership while Category B included a physical ID card along with the membership and Category C comprised of the ID card, an IEEE t-shirt, and the membership. Students who signed up were presented with chocolates and home-made cookies as tokens of appreciation and the students who did not left with a concise knowledge of IEEE.

As the recruitment came to an end on March 5th, 2018, a total of 64 students had enlisted to register for their IEEE student membership. All of the recruits were, later, sent an email that elaborately described the membership procedure to guide them through their application process. The enrollment of new IEEE student members is an integral part of the annual activities of the student branch as it is the students and their participation that make the branch and all its events vibrant.

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