10th February 2022 remarks another milestone for IEEE Brac University Student Branch since the glorious achievement of the branch has been acknowledged by the honorable Vice-Chancellor of Brac University, Prof. Vincent Chang. In the journey of 13 years, IEEE Brac University SB has won a lot of awards and recognitions but the consecutive achievements of “IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch” awards have levitated the eminence of this branch to a phenomenal height.

IEEE BracU SB has had a long and arduous path to establish itself as one of the most remarkable branches in Region-10, Bangladesh Section, and beyond. This branch received the prestigious IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch AWARD for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021 respectively. The greater purpose of this award is to provide public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations. Each year, this award is granted to multiple IEEE student branches around the world, especially to those who are striving to meet the scientific, educational, and professional purposes of IEEE while strictly conforming to IEEE bylaws, having an active program, and supporting IEEE goals.

In recognition of this achievement, the Vice-Chancellor awarded a token of appreciation to the branch which was received by former Chair of IEEE Brac University Student Branch, Soptorsi Paul Shrestha. Basically, it was the joyous occasion of the orientation program of the new semester Spring 2022 which was ornamented by the presence of honorable Vice-Chancellor of Brac University, Prof. Vincent Chang, Register of Brac University, Dr. David Dowland, Dean, School of General Education, Dr. Samia Huq, and actor, entrepreneur and social activist, Mrs. Sara Zaker. The program was hosted dynamically by Assistant Professor and Director of Brac Business School, Saif Hossain. Therefore, the program was initiated by the welcome speech by Dr. David Dowland and his words were intensely illuminating for the newcomers. Gradually, Dr. Samia Huq commenced her speech by displaying gratitude towards the language martyr of our country and projected on the academic curriculum,  extracurricular activities, embedded potential of Residential Semester, etc later on. Then Prof. Vincent Chang delivered a thoughtful speech that reflected on the life of multiple successful people and their charismatic endeavor, the sheer balance between academic and non-academic life, and ended his speech with some wonderful advice. In the end, the special guest of the occasion, Ms. Sarah Zaker enlightened us about the activities of Brac, the missions, and visions of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG, and the successful journey of Brac.

Hence, the last segment was that award-giving ceremony, and Soptorsi Paul Shrestha represented IEEE Brac University Student Branch while receiving the token of appreciation from the Vice-Chancellor. This recognition is nothing but the hard work and dedication of the executive members of the former panels who have engraved the foundation of this branch effectively.  Therefore, this credit goes to them and especially to 2019, 2020, and 2021 panels who have exhibited the potential of our branch in the global platform by achieving the “IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch” award two times! Therefore, the recognition from Vice-Chancellor has enhanced the pride and glory of the branch even more.