The award was presented to the most dedicated yet passionate Branch Chapter Advisor, Annajiat Alim Rasel on 14 February 2021 by the IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter. This is utterly an outstanding achievement for IEEE BRACU SBC and Brac University as a whole. Mr. Annajiat’s keen enthusiasm, solid guidance, empathy towards his students and commitment to instill key values, motivations and strengths into the Chapter ExCom members and general members have been inconceivable and extraordinaire since he got the nomination as a Chapter Advisor of IEEE CS BRACU SBC. He was the Co-Founding Treasurer of IEEE BRACU SBC, 2008.
Each IEEE SBC is formed under the aegis of an advisor who would actively monitor, support and track the chapter’s waymark. An advisor is a faculty member who has to be an active IEEE member as well. The advisor is committed to buoy up the professional and academic welfare of the IEEE Student members within the Branch Chapter. He/She must have the motivation to work closely with the students to help them work harder and become successful individuals for the future. Mr. Annajiat is no exception to that. Branch Chapter Advisors to get nominated for this award have to meet exceptional criteria. It has to make sure that under the supervision of an advisor, the Student Branch had an active program of meetings and excursions, effective membership growth rate, effective interaction between Student Branch and local IEEE section and communities, a noteworthy response from student members. An advisor also participates in annual or semiannual meetings and keeps updated on the challenges and the solutions to the Branch Counselor. The advisor continuously thrives to get the most out of the Branch Chapter members through his sharp directions.
Mr. Annajiat accomplished his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2019 from BRAC University. Nowadays, he spends most of his time as a Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) under the School of Data and Sciences (SDS) at BRAC University. During his undergraduate period, he participated in ACM ICPC related national and international programming contests as a competitive programmer. He has also worked as a coach for ACM ICPC. He has a number of publications as conferences, newspaper articles, book chapters, etc. His research interest includes Natural Language Processing (NLP), High-Performance Computing (HPC/HPS), Distributed Systems, Cloud, Federation, Quantum Computing, Data Science, Provenance, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence, Security, Software Engineering, Architecture, RSE, ICT for Development (ICT4D) & Education (ICT4ED), IT Engineers Exam (ITEE), Skill Standards (ITSS), etc.