The 3-day workshop titled ‘Workshop on Linux’ organized by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) BRACU SBC took place on March 25, 27 and 28 of this year respectively. The main idea of the workshop was to introduce young minds with the importance of Linux in today’s tech industry. The workshop was organized in Bangladesh region and we made it free for all IEEE Student members. The three-day workshop on Linux got a very positive response. All together about 70 participants registered for the workshop and majority were IEEE Student members. The workshop was conducted by Md Hashibul Islam, Chair of IEEE RAS BRACU SBC and Sub-Team Lead of Network and Vision, BRACU Mongol Tori. The workshop was also instructed by Salman Ibne Eunus, Kaggle Master and Sub-Team Lead of Artificial Intelligence, BRACU Mongol-Tori. Both of the instructors are current Senior year student at Brac University.
The workshop commenced at 8:00 pm in each of the three days and it lasted for 2 hours. On the first day of the workshop, a total number of 40 students actively joined and got introduced with Linux, a free-to-use, open-source operating system (OS) released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Participants also received a brief introduction with this OS of Top 500 supercomputers which is used in computing, embedded systems and server installations. According to the schedule, the participants successfully installed Linux with the guidance of the instructor. The second day of the workshop included topics like Operating a Linux distro and Basic terminal commands. Due to the ongoing midterm examination, the second day had less participants than the ice-breaking session. Yet they were very much enthusiastic to learn and discover new opportunities. The final day of the workshop was designed with interesting topics of Linux file directories, Shell scripting and the crucial-Linux in robotics. As all participants were not available in each of the three days, RAS BRACU provided all necessary resources of recordings and slides to support their enthusiasm. At the final part of the workshop, participants were given with an assessment test based on their understanding of the topics. The test was appreciated by all participants.
As COVID-19 keeps smoldering, young minds are becoming more concerned with the future. To offer them a different mode of interactive participation, RAS BRACU planned to initiate a series of skill-based workshops. With that in mind, the first workshop of this year was successfully accomplished. The instructors were deeply determined and put forward their best input. RAS BRACU with its determination of student development ended the workshop with remarks from the Chair and Vice Chair of the student branch along with inspirations from the instructors.