The IEEEXtreme, the 24-hour international programming contest took place on October 19th, 2019. IEEE BRAC University Computer Society in collaboration with IEEE BRAC University Student Branch hosted IEEEXtreme 13.0 Programming Competition at our Student Branch. IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.
set up a 2 day long IEEEXtreme 13.0 registration booth from 22nd September to
23rd September 2019 to promote the contest around the campus and to motivate
the members to participate and test their programming skills. A total of 10
enthusiastic teams from BRAC University registered for the contest.
IEEE BRAC University Computer Society together with IEEE BRAC University Student Branch organized a 3 hour long practice workshop for IEEE Xtreme 13.0 Programming Contest. 7 teams attended the workshop conducted by Shaily Roy, Lecturer at CSE department at BRAC University and Mir Mohammad Jaber, programming contest coach at BRAC University. The workshop started with a 1.5 hours mock programming contest and later a tutorial class on tips , tricks and ways to approach problems were discussed. The workshop ended successfully by handing over crests to the instructors as a token of appreciation and a group photo.
IEEE Xtreme 13.0 programming contest started on 19th October 2019 6am and marked its end on 20th October 2019 at 6am. The contest took place at BRAC University campus in UB40103 computer lab. The teams put their critical thinking and problem solving skills to test and tried their best to solve as many problems as possible within the time span. We appreciate all the teams’ hard work and effort and congratulate all the teams who made it to the top positions in the world rank. All the teams from BRAC University did exceptionally good in the contest. Team bracuCyrus from Brac University stood 1st in BRAC University, 5th in Bangladesh, 440th in R10 and 98th in Global ranking. We hope to encourage our members to participate in IEEEXtreme 14.0 in 2020 and represent BRAC University in the top global positions.