IEEE Computer Society Brac University Student Branch Chapter organized their second competition of the year, “Make an Educative Tutorial Competition – METC” from 14 June, 2020 to 13 July, 2020. The aim of the competition was to make the students capable of building their own learning materials and make the resources publicly accessible to all. These would allow other students to take benefit from these materials and assist them in their online classes as supplementary materials. Consequently, it would help discover the teaching capability inside the young professionals of Bangladesh.

METC broke the record of the previous competition “COVID-19 Combatants Unification Competition – CCUC” by a huge margin. A towering 195 submissions were made which is the biggest conquest of IEEE Brac University in organizing competitions to date. Most of the submissions came in the genre centered on the Computer Science and Engineering domain. Apart from this domain submissions also came from areas like Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Biology, Electrical, Business and Economics. A total of 13 dexterous faculty members from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and BRAC Business School served as the honorable judges. Individual submissions on a rolling basis were taken from the participants. Moreover, no restriction was imposed on participation and everyone from schools, colleges, and universities. The quality submissions made by the participants along with the remarks by the judges will be uploaded on the official YouTube channel of IEEE Brac University Student Branch for the general mass to use. After critical evaluation by the judges, the following winners were announced.

Area: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Biology and Electrical


Name of the Contestant



Shoummo Ahsan Khandoker

Elements of Statistics


Irfan Rahman

Principles of Physics II


Abu Bakar Mohammad Abdullah

Circuits and Electronics


Nigah Hossain

Elements of Statistics


Shutirtha Roy

Principles of Physics I


Sameen Yasir Radin

Circuits and Electronics


Khondoker Nazia Iqbal

Differential Calculus & Coordinate Geometry

Mugenyi Raymond

Introduction to Biology


Area: Business and Economics


Name of the Contestant



Sumaiya Rashid

Introduction to Microeconomics


Md. Nayeem Khan Shahariar

Financial Accounting

Area: Computer Science and Engineering


Name of the Contestant



Tahia Tabassum

Computer Basics


Md. Nakib Rahaman

Discrete Mathematics


Shahriar Rumi Dipto

Programming Language Basics


Atanu Roy

Data Structures

Kazi Asif Jawwad

Programming Language Basics

Mohammad Naveed Hossain

Digital Logic Design

Zaber Mohammad

Data Structures


Farhan Hasin Dipro

Automata and Computability


Mostofa Kamal Sagor

Programming Language Basics


Rakin Bin Rabbani

Programming Language Basics


Srijan Banik

Programming Language Basics

Sadia Sobhana Ridi

Data Structures


Mohammed Taher Abdullah

Programming Language Basics


Nigah Hossain

Digital Logic Design

Tahsin Mohammad Bakhtier

Data Structures

Toshiba Kamruzzaman

Data Structures

Topic Wise Leading Contestants


Leading Contestant(s)

Programming Language Basics

Shahriar Rumi Dipto

Computer Basics

Tahia Tabassum

Data Structures

Zaber Mohammad

Atanu Roy


Md. Nakib Rahaman

Discrete Mathematics

Md. Nakib Rahaman

Digital Logic Design

Mohammad Naveed Hossain

Automata and Computability

Farhan Hasin Dipro

Mohammad Naveed Hossain

Differential Calculus & Coordinate Geometry

Khondoker Nazia Iqbal

Principles of Physics I

Shutirtha Roy

Principles of Physics II

Irfan Rahman

Elements of Statistics

Shoummo Ahsan Khandoker

Introduction to Biology

Mugenyi Raymond

Circuits and Electronics

Abu Bakar Mohammad Abdullah

Financial Accounting

Md. Nayeem Khan Shahariar

Introduction to Microeconomics

Sumaiya Rashid

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