“Prospect of Higher Studies” was one of IEEE BRACU SB’s most interactive seminars from 2017 and by popular demand, it was brought back to the student branch this year as well on July 12th. The seminar is a chance for the students who wish to complete their Post Graduate Studies or Ph.D from a foreign university have all their questions and confusions addressed by the faculty members from the D epartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Attending the seminar were Md. Farhan Tasnim Oshim, Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman Sagor and Ms. Rayhana Rakiba.
Md. Farhan Tasnim Oshim received his Master’s Degree in Communications Engineering in 2015 from RWTH-Aachen University, Germany, which is a member of TU9 and IDEA league Europe. He will be joining the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, as a Ph.D student in Fall 2018. Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman Sagor
completed his Bachelor of Engineering degree in 2010 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Queen Mary University of London. He obtained his Ph.D in EEE from the University of Greenwich in the UK in 2015. He will be joining Queen Mary University of London as a faculty member from August 2018. Ms. Rayhana Rakiba pursued her Master’s Degree Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, the UK.
Together, they talked about their experiences studying in foreign countries and diligently answered all the questions the eager students had for them.