Are you planning on pursuing a Masters degree or a Ph.D. upon graduation? Want to learn more about your post-graduate options? This is your chance to learn more about your prospects from our very own respected faculty members of the EEE department.


Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman Sagor completed his Bachelor of Engineering degree in 2010 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Queen Mary University of London, which is one of the top 100 universities of the world. He obtained his PhD in EEE from University of Greenwich, UK in 2015. His PhD research work was fully funded with maintenance grant by UoG. In his research work, he worked with active balanced antennas, which can be the best solution for future wireless applications demanding higher output power, greater linearity and lower distortions. During his PhD he was also actively involved in teaching and supervising BEng and MSc student projects.

Md. Anamul Hoque pursued his master’s degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology offered by Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Commission from Katholic University of Leuven, Belgium and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden with ‘magna cum laude’. Later, he availed an opportunity to work in Walter Schottky Institute at the Technical University of Munich, Germany funded by Nanosystem Initiative Munich.

Md. Farhan Tasnim Oshim completed his Masters in Communications Engineering in 2015 from RWTH-Aachen University, Germany, which is a member of TU9 and IDEA league Europe. He gained extensive research experience by working at Fraunhofer Institute for communication, Information Processing & Ergonomics FKIE and Robert Bosch GmbH while studying in Germany.

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