Date: 19th October, 2008
A seminar titled ‘Prospects of Wi-MAX and 3G in Bangladesh’ was held at BRAC University on the 19th of October. Organized by the IEEE Student Branch at the university, the main speaker at the seminar was Mohammad Refaul Karim, Assistant Manager in the department of Transmission Planning of Banglalink (Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Ltd). Prior to working in Banglalink, he had also worked in Grameen Phone Ltd. as a System Engineer and at BRAC University as a Lecturer. Mr. Karim, in his speech, explained in details on how Wi-MAXand 3G networks are set up and the obstacles faced in doing so. He also talked about the impacts these two new wireless broadband technologies are likely to bring about in the ICT Sector of Bangladesh. After the interactive seminar, the students, many of who are budding engineers, got the opportunity to talk in person with Mr. Karim about different technical and career related issues. (By Mahdin Mahboob)
Note: This article has been extracted from the old depreciated IEEE website