The IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, Brac University Student Branch Chapter, conducted a seminar, “UAVBuzz: A Brief Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Designs, Process, and Prospects” on April 16, 2022. The focus of the seminar was on the introduction of UAVs and the construction process in as much sufficient detail as possible, including the components. This was an in-person session, and the turnout was impressive: 35 students from Brac University’s Departments of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering attended.
Unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are an emerging form of aerial technology. UAVs are most commonly employed to collect data from remote regions where a person would struggle to stay and gather information at the same time. This type of remote operation can be done with a UAV, and data can be collected for research purposes by incorporating multiple sensors and cameras into the UAV. Agricultural drones are used to determine humidity, plant conditions, and diseases using image processing built into the drone. Landscape photography and filmmaking are two other uses for UAVs. Filmmakers can employ various perspectives and altitudes to create films with exceptional splendor. The armed forces and defense system of a country are another key sector that uses UAVs. The military can watch over specific areas discreetly using UAVs, and some UAVs can assault from different locations. Its popularity has been steadily growing in recent days as a result of the various applications that it can be used for, and as a result, it has evolved into a burgeoning technology. The process of building and developing drones piques the curiosity of younger generations.
The speaker, MD Mojammel Hoque Shourobh, is an experienced Embedded System Design Engineer with a prestigious history in the field of electronics. Previously, he worked as a satellite operation engineer at Brac University. Moreover, he contributed to the BRAC ONNESSHA Nano Satellite Ground Station as the team leader. He graduated from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Brac University. Currently, he is working as a Mechatronics Engineer at TigerIT Bangladesh Ltd.

The speaker gave a quick introduction to UAVs after introducing himself. The speaker went into great detail during his presentation. The eminent speaker gave a brief history of UAVs, their various applications ranging from agriculture to delivery, and the necessary skills to build a drone with information on its various components. He began by discussing the various applications of drones in our daily lives. Agriculture is one of the most notable areas, as it is used to measure numerous parameters such as humidity, temperature, soil conditions, plant diseases, and watering. He also discussed drone photography. He went into great depth about the drone’s body construction and the features that help it stay stable. After that, he moved on to part selection and the information needed for part selection. First and foremost, the proper body material must be chosen, which is dependent on the drone’s intended use. A farming drone will need to be stable, but a racing drone will need to be fast. The drone’s body can be created from 3D printing materials, metal alloys, carbon fiber, and certain other materials. Following that, he discussed motor choices. When choosing motors, he stressed the importance of the thrust-to-weight ratio, KV rating, and motor size. The right flight controller is necessary to operate the motor. One must choose the appropriate controller; otherwise, the sensors and cameras might not work accordingly. Many sensors, such as GPS, gyroscopes, accelerometers, and hygrometers, are available on the market. The camera module can be found separately and can be implemented with a Raspberry PI to incorporate image processing capabilities into the drone. The software, also known as flight controller firmware, will be required to control the drones, such as Arudopilot and Arducopter. ArduPilot is a renowned flight controller because its firmware codebases are open-source, making them easy to update and have clear documentation. After putting all of this together, you’ll need a radio transmitter to communicate with the drone and GPS to pinpoint its exact location. Furthermore, the battery must be chosen based on the amount of power required to power the motor and flight controller. Some local rules and regulations govern the use of drones. Furthermore, authorization from higher authorities is required to fly drones in the designated area. Lastly, he concluded his address by stating, “Lastly, choose a favorable day for your drone’s first flight. Have a smile on your face and boldly go for launch! “
The session drew to a close with the presenter complimenting the speaker. Abdullah Hil Kafi and Raihana Shams Islam Antara, both research associates at the Laboratory of Space System Engineering and Technology (LaSSET), were on hand to exchange formalities. The seminar ended on a high note after the pleasantries were exchanged.