IEEE PES BRACU SBC along with IEEE BRACU SB organized a webinar on “Demystifying Research Papers: Analysis and Proper Reuse” on Thursday, November 12th, 2020. The session was conducted through “Google Meet” by Abu S.M. Mohsin, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Brac University. This webinar focused on the importance of learning the basics of analyzing research or conference papers in university life for doing undergraduate research and how to publish them in different journals and conferences. Considering the importance of the research, there were a significant number of participants from different semesters and departments of Brac University to learn from the honorable speaker. At the very start of the session an honorable speaker answered one of the most asked questions about how to choose a topic for research and what a research paper actually is. Speaker also emphasizes brainstorming techniques to choose a suitable topic and purpose of the research. Later, a full structure of the conference paper was shown to give a broader perspective among participants. The importance of citing to avoid plagiarism and giving proper credit to the author was also highlighted throughout this session. So, the session was helpful to give broad knowledge among students about how to study a research paper; which aspects to go through and which to skip while provided step by step instructions on how to write a research paper properly. Moreover, students were able to gather knowledge on mentioning proper citations and references to avoid unintentional plagiarism in their research and how to generate new ideas from existing research works. The importance of research was also discussed with utmost priority as it helps to increase critical thinking level, organizing and leadership and technical skills. Later in the session, the honorable speaker discussed the different journal metrics that are used to measure, compare, and often rank research and scholarly publications. At the end, Asaduzzaman Abir, Chair, IEEE PES BRACU SBC asked the participant to send their questions regarding the Webinar and thanked the speaker Abu S.M. Mohsin on behalf of IEEE BRACU SB and its Counselor and ended the program.